Why did KADIN initiate CRU?

16 June 2019

In Law Number 1 of 1987 concerning the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), it is explained that the main role of KADIN is to foster and develop the capabilities, activities, and interests of Indonesian entrepreneurs to increase competitiveness. One of the limitations that constrains business, especially in the land-based business sector, and makes the business climate in Indonesia less competitive are various conflicts; both conflicts between business entities and government agencies, disputes between business entities, and disputes between companies and communities. For this reason, KADIN initiated the establishment of the CRU as the organization’s contribution to efforts to improve the business and investment climate. The establishment of the CRU was carried out as a project which in the future will be sought to become an independent facility, which is currently being incubated through the Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD).