Engagement in Handling Agrarian and Natural Resource Conflicts: The Foundation of Sustainable Settlement

22 June 2023

It is undeniable that agrarian and natural resource conflicts are an unavoidable aspect of the development process in Indonesia. Consequently, it is essential to incorporate efforts to address such conflicts into the enabling environment for equitable, inclusive and sustainable development in Indonesia. When it comes to conflict management, it is of paramount importance to recognize that such management is predicated on the establishment of bridges of dialogue and the achievement of sustainable solutions, wherein the engagement of the parties involved in the conflict management process is of paramount importance. In this article, we shall briefly discuss the pivotal role of engagement in the process of addressing agrarian and natural resource conflicts, particularly in its capacity to ensure sustainable conflict resolution.

It is widely accepted that the term “engagement” has multiple interpretations, including involvement, following, and inclusion. Therefore, in this article, the term “engagement” is used as a working terminology which allows for a more flexible interpretation.

The primary aim of engagement in conflict management is to facilitate the process by creating conditions that permit effective dialogue. Through the active participation of all involved, engagement encourages open communication and fosters a more cooperative and conducive atmosphere. This serves to avert stalemates and expedite the attainment of mutually beneficial outcomes.

Engagement in conflict management endeavors to acquire support, particularly from those who possess authority pertinent to the focus of the conflict. The participation of authorized institutional representatives can augment the prospects of successful conflict resolution in the form of a peace accord that can be implemented subsequently. By procuring this support, the conflict management process can be reinforced, and the ensuing decisions have greater legitimacy.

It is essential for the success of any conflict management process that the parties involved are cognizant of and acknowledge the presence of the conflict. Engagement is thus a fundamental step in order to create consciousness and recognition among the parties of the conflict which needs to be addressed, as well as the presence of other stakeholders. This is significant as, in many cases, the parties do not fully comprehend the detrimental effects of the conflict or even deny its existence. Consequently, by directly engaging the parties in the conflict, it will open their eyes and minds to the necessity of resolving the conflict.

Furthermore, engagement seeks to cultivate the assurance of the parties and other involved individuals in the efficacy of dialogic and non-confrontational conflict resolution methods or approaches. This is critical as often in conflict management, the conflicting parties are skeptical of the dependability of dialogic and non-confrontational approaches such as mediation. There is a tendency for parties to attempt to resolve conflicts by overpowering the other party through confrontational efforts. Engagement assists parties to comprehend and accept the effectiveness of dialogic and non-confrontational approaches in conflict management.

Other purpose of engagement in conflict management is to foster an environment conducive to productive dialogue. This can be achieved by promoting effective communication, encouraging active listening, and respecting the opinions of all involved. In essence, engagement creates a secure space for all parties to express their interests and engage in meaningful dialogue. Through this discourse, parties can gain insight into the perspectives of others and strive to reach mutually beneficial outcomes.

Engagement plays an important role in building strong and open relationships of trust with all parties involved and other stakeholders. On the basis of these relationships of trust, transparency will be built, which will enable the collection of complete and accurate data and relevant information. In turn, a good information base will be useful for creating inclusive structures, determining the resources required for the conflict resolution process, and making decisions based on facts and comprehensive understanding.

Engaging all stakeholders in an effective manner will foster a sense of ownership regarding the process and outcome of conflict management initiatives. Direct engagement with the parties involved will enable them to feel a sense of ownership with the decisions made and the solutions reached, thereby increasing their commitment to the implementation and upkeep of conflict resolution outcomes.

Engagement facilitates the mutual exchange of knowledge between the parties involved in the conflict and other stakeholders. Through a process of dialogue and the sharing of information, parties can broaden their comprehension of one another’s views, requirements, and expectations. This can lead to the development of empathy, the dissolution of stereotypes, and a greater comprehension of the situation.

It is evident that engagement is a fundamental factor in the management of conflicts, particularly those that are agrarian and related to natural resources, which often entail a range of conflicting interests between disparate parties. Through the facilitation of open dialogue, the establishment of trust, and the generation of a constructive atmosphere, engagement serves to bridge the gap between the conflicting parties and promote the attainment of a sustainable resolution to the conflict. Thus, engagement can be said to be a catalyst for a just, long-term resolution and the strengthening of future relationships.